District and Sessions Judge, Biswanath has issued an official notification regarding the recruitment of 8 posts of Peon, Chowkidar and Driver. District and Sessions Judge, Biswanath has invited applications from eligible and interested candidates to fulfil these vacant Grade IV vacancies.
Biswanath Recruitment Details:
Other Details of Biswanath Recruitment 2023
1. Candidates must be an Indian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution
of India.
2. Candidates must have registered their names in the Employment Exchange and
the Registration is to be valid as on date of submission of applications.
3. Age Limit- Candidates must not be less than 18 years or more than 38 of age as on 01.01.2023.
4. The Upper Age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
5. Candidates applying for the post of Driver must have passed Class VIII. The applicant
for the post of Driver must have a valid Professional/Transport Driving Licence.
6. Candidates applying for the post of Peon & Chowkidar must have passed Class
VIII, but candidates who have passed Class XII and above shall not be eligible for
the post. Any such application other than the prescribed educational criteria shall
automatically stand cancelled. Applicants have to produce a Self Declaration
certificate along with the application form mentioning that “he/she has not passed
HSSLC or equivalent examination or above’.
7. Candidates, who intend to apply for more than one post, shall have to submit
separate applications for each post.
8. Essential Documents- Candidates may drop their application in a sealed envelope with self-attested
copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste, Valid
Employment Exchange Registration Card along with 3 (three) copies of recent
passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the reverse side, in the
“Drop Box” of the office of the District and Sessions Judge, Biswanath or may send
the application form along with all documents by post to the Office Address
mentioned below.
9. Candidates serving in Govt. Department should submit their application through
proper channel.
10. The applicants shall mention their Mobile Numbers in the application form
without fail.
11. The last date of receipt of application form is 03-02-2023 (Friday) upto 05.00 P.M.
No application will be entertained after the last date. The appointing authority shall
not be responsible under any circumstances for any postal delay.
12. The eligible candidates shall be required to appear for Viva Voce for the post of
Peon & Chowkidar and for skill test, followed by viva-voce for the post of Driver.
13. Envelope containing the application should indicate the name of the post applied
DRIVER” (Write whichever is applicable).
14. The list of eligible candidates along with interview dates/venue etc. will be uploaded
in the official website of Biswanath Judiciary (https:/districts.ecourts.gov.in/
biswanath) in due course. No separate call letters will be issued. Candidates are
requested to refer to website for further details.
15. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates for attending the interview process.
16. Application received late or without proper supporting documents or unsigned or
incomplete will be summarily rejected.
17. Canvassing directly or indirectly shall disqualify a candidate.
18. The application should be addressed to :
The District and Sessions Judge, Biswanath
Add.- District Judicial Court Campus, Biswanath
PO & PS – Biswanath Chariali, PIN 784176
Dist- Biswanath, Assam
- Official Advertisement-Click Here
- Application Form- Dowanload here
- Official Website- Click here