This is for information of all concerned candidates that the Assam Public Service Commission will hold the Written Examination (Conventional & OMR type) for recruitment to the post of Forest Ranger in the Assam Forest service under Environment & Forests Department (Advt. No. 14/2021, dated 27 December, 2021) as per programme given below:
Website: E-mail:
No intimation letter to the eligible candidates shall be sent separately by post. The E-Admission certificate shall be uploaded on 23/12/2022 in the APSC's website ( The candidates shall have to download their own E-Admission certificate from the aforesaid website. The Commission would like to clarify that it reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate on verification / scrutiny of their application form at any time or stage even after the Written Examination, if it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility criteria/conditions as per terms of the Advt. No. 14/2021, dated 27th December, 2021.